Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Reading Hunger Games: Mockingjay

I've been having sleepless night for the past one week because I have been reading the Hunger Games trilogy. I just couldn't put it down. I'm reading the the final book, Mockingjay and probably have about 3 chapters more to go. It is so good. I know the target readers are young adults but hey, we adults can read it too (I read kids books all the time).

So why did I decide to read this book on the first place? Well you can say that I don't have much choice. We went to the Childrens Library one Saturday to borrow some books for my daughter. I was thinking she rarely seen me reading a real book and I need to set good example if I want her to be an avid reader like I do. I read a lot but I read ebooks on my smartphone. So she might think that books are no fun because she sees me does this. So I decided to grab a book which happened to be the Hunger Games. The library is small and they don't have an impressive collection of young adults fiction.

What did I like about this book? I can say that I love the underdog theme of the book and how the oppressed citizens of Panem (the country in the book) fight hard to topple the evil government rule by President Snow. And of course there's the love triangle thingy between the 3 lead characters. (If I were Katniss, I would choose Peeta hands down...Gale is too 'angry' and vengeful.)

I can't write a long review today...my kids are awake and clomoring for my attention. So I will talk about this more soon. But you can read full review from other readers here.

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