Friday, November 7, 2014

I love the Hunger Games!

Since quitting Facebook (or checking updates way less than before) I have started to read books (!!). Yay! I am an avid reader but since becoming a mom I hardly have spare time to read apart from reading to my kids. I do read ebooks from my smartphone but hardly a real physical book. So when we went for our library trips I checked out some books. My latest read is The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. It's part of a trilogy so I am so looking forward to the next two books. I got hooked to it from the get-go and Collins is a very talented writer. I usually don't read pass 3 chapters if the book is boring but Collins managed to keep me guessing from one page to the next. Apparently the trilogy and its movie adaptations have been around for years but I wasn't interested because we were just starting a family and I hardly have room to think about anything else but our kids.

I am so happy that I discover this trilogy and I even watched the movies. Love them so much and I kinda have a silly crush on Peeta Mellark, one of the lead characters...haha...

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