Thursday, November 6, 2014

Quitting Facebook?

Are you on facebook? (Who doesn't). I have an account too. I have been facebooking (is that even a real term?) since 2007. That is a long time. Seven years. I wonder the amount of time I spent or wasted there. Looking back I wished I didn't waste so much time there. Why? Well I have to admit that it didn't do much good to me. See when I saw pictures or statuses my friends posted I felt like my life is dull in comparison. They posted stuff like their big houses, their expensive cars, their vacations, how smart their kids are, how much money they got. I know I envy them because I can't afford many of the things they have. It's shallow but I just can't help feeling this way. I don't dislike them. I just dislike feeling envious. It's petty and ungrateful. So to avoid it I try to avoid facebooking. I only log in maybe less than 5 minutes a day to see if someone ask me something or need anything. I hardly see my news feed, just a quick scroll and that's it. I have been doing this for the past one month. I miss it but it's liberating at the same time. I have been using my 'facebooking time' to focus on my earning online activities like writing in Bubblews or doing my affiliate marketing campaigns. I don't care what's going on in my friends' lives, I don't need to know every single thing about them. I don't want to waste time anymore. And I am a much happier and grateful person when I don't have to constantly checking what's everyone is up to.
Don't you agree?

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