Friday, August 15, 2014

We officially homeschooling

We decided to stop enrolling our daughter at her school simply because she falls sick so often and the sickness spread to her baby brother. She was running a fever on Wednesday last week and was out from school for 2 days. My hubs and I had a talk over the weekend and we made the decision to pull her out from school. On Saturday the baby fell sick too. It was a hard decision because she has many friends in school and is quite popular in class. She is naturally friendly and bubbly even among strangers. We told her about the decision and she is ok about it but I am kinda a bit sad. The reason why we enrolled her was because I was having a baby and I was afraid she feel left out because I was busy attending to her brother's needs. So we thought sending her to school would ease the transition of having a new sibling. We didn't expect that she would fall sick so often...I know she is developing her immune system but I just couldn't cope with having to care for sick children all the time...and hardly have time to do my's driving me crazy. So we pulled her out. She is yet to say good bye to her friends but we will bring her there when we go to collect some books the teacher had order. Perhaps we will bring some goodies for them. Just thinking about this makes me sad...
Anyway we have started homeschooling her this week. Nothing rigid. Just a couple of workbook activities, reading, coloring. I still need to gather some materials for her science projects. We gonna have fun just a little bit lonely without her peers. Sigh. I will talk more about our homeschooling progress but for now here are some pics of her doing her 'school work' this week.

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