Monday, August 18, 2014

Bye-bye Squidoo

Recently Seth Godin (the owner of announced that Squidoo will be merged with Meaning they will close down Squidoo for good and all good and quality content (whatever that means) they have on the site will be transferred to Hubpages. The rest will be deleted. I don't know what to say. I have been on Squidoo for a couple of years and I liked that platform. I earned around $4K during Halloween-Christmas season by promoting stuff via that platform. But things had changed. And the changes weren't positive at least to many lensmasters, me included. I won't tell you here about all the issues we had there, you can google the info yourself. Enough for me to say that I quit using it since May 2013 but I still earned some passive income through some of my articles there. Now that Squidoo is closing down I've been busy transferring my articles to my own website - I will be busy doing this for now and have less time to devote to this blog and kinda sad this has to happen. I truly love that platform and so did many others, thousands of others. I guess it's an end of an era. Many lensmasters had moved on to greener pastures and so do I.

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