Monday, August 4, 2014

Persecuted Iraqi Christians

I have been following the news of massacre of Iraqi Christians in Mosul (Nineveh). I am a Christian and the horrific persecutions these Christians are facing is beyond words. Since ISIS took charge of Mosul they have been giving ultimatum to the Christians - recant your faith and convert to Islam or die. Many decided to die and they were slain like animals, beheaded. I haven't done a thorough reading on this but I wonder what did the Christians did to justify such holy killings? I am praying for the Christians in Mosul and I am praying for ISIS too. It's clear this is definitely the works of the devil and ISIS is just the tool it used to spread hatred and violence.

This character is an Arabic letter for ‘N’ short for Nasrani which is Arabic for Christian and it has been painted on properties belonged to Christians in Mosul. Quite a number of my Christians friends are putting up this picture as their profile pic as a mark of solidarity with the persecuted Christians.

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