Sunday, July 20, 2014

My heart bleeds

Two days ago our nation and the world woke up to a devastating news - MH17 was shot down over the borders or Ukraine and Russia. MH17 belongs to my country, Malaysia and the pain of losing a plane, 4 months after MH370 is too much to bear. Like the rest of my fellow countrymen (and many others globally) I've been grieving and I still teared up when I read or watch the news. How could anyone fired a missile on commercial plane full of unsuspecting and innocent civilians? How could anyone be so evil?  Where is their conscience? Don't they fear God? I feel so angry and upset. There were babies and young children on board and what threat could they possessed? Till today I still couldn't bring myself to watch the footage of the burning plane. It is just too painful. Imagine their terror, the screams...plummeted to their death. They are victims of war that concerned them not at all. I pray to God whoever did this will be brought to justice. We vow not to leave no stones unturned. My heart goes to their families and loved ones...the pain of losing someone so tragically is immeasurable. I pray and hope they will find comfort and strength going through this tragedy.

Sleep peacefully among the clouds, soar with the birds through the sky, dear ones.

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