Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Cheerful art

Since MH17 tragedy I have been working on two pages of doodles featuring my kawaii characters. I have been thinking to create some sort of 'mourning' doodles to mourn the loss of 298 lives but decided not to pursue it but to continue with my 'happy and cheerful' art. I have mourned enough and still mourning for them and for my country. I still weep whenever I think of this tragedy. Justice will prevail. Someone will pay, perhaps not now but in afterlife, I am sure of it. My art will continue to reflect cheerfulness in hope to bring smiles and happiness to this sad and sorrowful world. Where there is darkness, there is light. And my art will be one of the candles that lighted the darkness and despair in this world.

Be joyful

The Goth girl

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