Friday, February 27, 2015


Finally I completed it last night! Yay! The first page I colored using Faber Castell Polychromos colored pencils (I forgot to write a post about this. It's a gift from my husband). After 3 weeks of working on it, 30 minutes or less, almost everyday. I gonna frame it and wrap it and give it to my friend this Sunday. I hope she like it :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A gift for a friend

One of my friends is suffering from post partum depression. She gave birth in December and has been having a difficult time coping with changes in her life. She has 3 kids and this is her third child. We are doing all we can to help her to pull through, including praying and encouraging her in our own ways. I have decided to color a page from my Art Nouveau Animal Designs coloring book, put it in a nice frame and give it to her. I hope my little gift can help to cheer her up a bit. Here is my WIP...

This is colored using my brand new Faber Castell Polychromos pencils which is a birthday gift from my husband. I will write more about this in a future post :)

Thursday, February 12, 2015

My first attempt to color a stained glass coloring page

I have a couple of stained glass coloring book from Dover Publication but I never use them until recently. I wanted to take a break from coloring the usual coloring books and decided to color a page from my Fanciful Butterflies book. Pictures of the books that I owned and inside peek of the first book.

They are beautiful, aren't they? And here's the outcome of my first attempt to color it:

I used watercolors and markers. I like the outcome except that the paper sort of get wrinkled and not flat due to the effect of the water colors. You can see it on the picture on top left corner. You can avoid using watercolors if you don't like this. Use markers instead. But I guess considering the fun, this is still a worthy investment. The books are available on Amazon. See below.

Monday, February 9, 2015

I am coloring again!

So I am coloring again after taking a break for several months. Here are two of my latest work:

Also I added a Facebook like page block on my blog (on right side of this blog). The page is called Coloring Is Hip. I created this page in 2013 but I hardly have time to update it but for the past one month I received close to 100 likes and honestly I don't know how these people got to know about my tiny page lol but I'm very grateful for the likes. So this has motivated me to pick up coloring again. Do visit the page for more updates on my coloring activities. And if you feel inspired by my coloring work and want to give coloring a try do visit Coloring Is Hip store for hundreds of coloring books for adults. The books are inexpensive and you will be tempted to buy lots of if!

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