Monday, December 29, 2014

Recent photos...been very busy

It's been awhile. We've been busy with christmas and the holidays. It past midnight and I'm super tired. I had been up since 6am this morning. A long da ly indeed. I won't write long, just wanna share few recent photos.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Inspiration for today

Glorifying God vs glorifying your heart for any hidden, secret ulterior motives.

You Are Beautiful and Worth Dying For

Last Sunday one of our preachers shown this video during his sermon. I never seen this video before and I want to share it with you guys here because the message is so powerful. Of course it has a Christian message and the target audience are women but I believe it speaks to everyone, men or women, Christians or non-Christians.

Here's the gist of the message: You are worthy of love and you are beautiful and awesome even when you don't feel like you are special in anyway. Regardless of who you are - a catwalk model, a mom, a student, a transgender or you have an ugly scar on your body - you are loved, talented and unique. Watch the video you won't regret it.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Inspiration for today

 My power verse for today. It's good to ponder on this as the new year approaching.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Inspiration for today

I so need to hear this.

Give up Bubblews?

Sigh...I's tempting to just give up. The traffic has been so bad, no views, likes, comments. Nada. Zero. I feel so sad. This is a great site to earn money online. I know a lot of people are earnings hundreds per month there and now alot of them complaining they barely made $50 per month these days. I have $40 in my account. I never make any redemption though. I'm not sure if I ever see that money because a lot of people aren't getting their money, even those who have been redeeming multiple times. I read a post about someone who made 10 redemptions and never get paid at all! I don't know if that is a sign for me to quit but still I love it there and I like to earn on multiple sites and not just one. I guess I just stick around and continue to make short posts, socialize and see how it goes. My target is to make my first redemption before end of year. Crossing my fingers!

Anniversary gift: Iban Dream

We celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary on Friday last week. My hubby took a day off so that we could go out and have some fun with the kids. We had pretty low key celebration; lunch at Sakei Sushi (our favorite food, of course) and my husband bought me a new novel and a reading lamp. Pretty simple gifts and no fluff but I love it nonetheless. I have been catching on my readings for the past few weeks, starting with The Hunger Games series and later Gayle Forman's books (I write more about this is another post). So I've completed 6 books in like 6 weeks and now I am reading the Fault In Our Stars. I'm halfway through it. The next in my list will be the gift book, Iban Dream by Gorda Mowe. Now, I'm very excited about this book. It's a fantasy and folklore book. Read the title. Iban is my race and the writer is a local Sarawakian who is also an Iban. I have been waiting for someone to write an English novel about my people, for years. I wish I have the courage to pursue my writing dream and maybe I could write a novel like that. But heck, I guess I have to be content with writing here in this blog with my bad English. Here's the book:

It's available in Kindle if you want to give it a try:

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Reading Hunger Games: Mockingjay

I've been having sleepless night for the past one week because I have been reading the Hunger Games trilogy. I just couldn't put it down. I'm reading the the final book, Mockingjay and probably have about 3 chapters more to go. It is so good. I know the target readers are young adults but hey, we adults can read it too (I read kids books all the time).

So why did I decide to read this book on the first place? Well you can say that I don't have much choice. We went to the Childrens Library one Saturday to borrow some books for my daughter. I was thinking she rarely seen me reading a real book and I need to set good example if I want her to be an avid reader like I do. I read a lot but I read ebooks on my smartphone. So she might think that books are no fun because she sees me does this. So I decided to grab a book which happened to be the Hunger Games. The library is small and they don't have an impressive collection of young adults fiction.

What did I like about this book? I can say that I love the underdog theme of the book and how the oppressed citizens of Panem (the country in the book) fight hard to topple the evil government rule by President Snow. And of course there's the love triangle thingy between the 3 lead characters. (If I were Katniss, I would choose Peeta hands down...Gale is too 'angry' and vengeful.)

I can't write a long review kids are awake and clomoring for my attention. So I will talk about this more soon. But you can read full review from other readers here.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Cross Body Bags for Women

Handbag is one accessory that many women consider as necessity. Demand for handbags are so high and constant that there is a vast selection of handbags available in the market. Handbag designs are always changing depending on the season.

Cross body bags for women are going to be big this year. More and more celebrities are spotted with tiny cross body bags and this has make the demand and sales of this type of bag skyrocketing.

Leather Cross Body Bags for Women

Cross body bags made from leather. Durable and long lasting.

Canvas Cross Body Bags for Women 

A selection of canvas cross body bags for ladies.

Vera Bradley Crossbody Bags

Vera Bradley Mailbag
This is one of the beautiful Vera Bradley crossbody bags. If you love bags with lots of patterns, Vera Bradley bags are suitable for you. Check out the video below for review of some of Vera Bradley bags and visit the link below for complete selection of Vera Bradley bags on Amazon.

Quilted Cotton Cross Body Bags for Women

Crossbody bags made from quilted cotton.

Floral Crossbody Bags

Beautiful and feminine floral crossbody bags.

DIY Crossbody Bag 

If you are good at sewing and don't mind to spare some time you can make your own cross body bag. Watch the video below for tutorial.

Do You Own a Crossbody Bag? 

I think crossbody bag is a must-have for every women. Snatch thieves cases are rampant in my country and women are adviced to wear a crossbody bag or backpack to carry their personal belongings. In some cases the victims died after they hit their heads on the pavement. So, what do you think about this bag? Do you think women should wear them for safety?
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