Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Writing for Bubblews

Ahhh...it's October 28 today. The blog has been silent for more than a month. As I mentioned in my previous post I have been preoccupied by homeschooling my eldest child. Now it seems we kinda got our groove, I am finally able to squeeze some writing time not just this blog but some other sites.

I've been active in Bubblews. Here's my profile. It's a cool place where you can earn from posting your thoughts, just 400 characters of original post written by you. I am doing okay there, not much but okay. So if you think you want to make some side income just head out there and register. It's simple but make sure you follow the TOS. There are many plagiarists and scammers wanting to abuse the site but if caught their account would be deleted. Read the rules, the dos and donts, I can't stress this enough. You can make a redemption once your earning reached $50.

Apart from that I've written several articles mainly for affiliate marketing purposes.

So that's a quick update of my current life. Not much just a tiny bit of things I've done for the past one and half month.

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